OR4 : Quantum materials
Materials with strong electronic correlations have many functional properties (insulator-metal transition, magnetoresistance, superconductivity, high dielectric constant, …) that remain however poorly understood. MAGNETOPICS team uses both Raman scattering and optical spectroscopy (far-infrared to UV) to investigate vibrational and electronic properties of materials. Our experimental facilities allow measurements of microscopic samples under extreme conditions (very high pressure and low/high temperature).
In order to get a better insight of properties, our experimental results are usually supplemented by ab-initio calculations.
We are interested in various family of materials such as oxides, chalcogenides, organic compounds, for applications in the fields of R-RAMs, flexible electronics, neural networks, sensors, solar cells, energy storage, …
Figure: We performed optical conductivity measurements under high pressure and Density Functionnal Theory calculations to study the Mott transition in the single-component organic conductor [Au(Et-thiazdt)2].