Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy

Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy applied to the characterisation of piezoelectric material

Classical characterisation methods of piezoelectric materials are based on electrical measurements, and several samples have to be used to identify the entire electromechanical tensors leading to possible inconsistencies in the identified values.
Ultrasonic Resonance Spectroscopy allows the characterisation of piezoelectric materials thanks to the study of their mechanical and electrical resonances. Characterisation are carried out by comparison of the experimental resonance spectra of parallelepipeds to that of a theoretical model [1,2]. The main advantage of this characterisation methods is that it allows the identification of the entire set of electromechanical constants of piezoelectric materials from only one sample. We have developed a new experimental set-up for resonant ultrasound spectroscopy measurements. It is based on an electrical excitation of the piezoelectric sample and on the detection of its mechanical vibrations through a laser interferometer. The method has been applied to the identification of the full tensor of a piezoelectric ceramic cubes. This method has been know extended to extract the properties from electrical admittance measurement of piezoelectric cubes [3,4].

Figure : a) measured and b) calculated particle velocities for PMN34,4PT ceramic cube (10x10x10 mm3).

[1] T. Delaunay, E. Le Clezio, M. Guennou, H. Dammak, M. P. Thi, and G. Feuillard, "Full tensorial characterization of PZN-12%PT single crystal by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy," IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 55, pp. 476-488, 2008.
[2] G. Feuillard, E. Le Clezio, F. Levassort, L. Hue, T. Delaunay, and M. Lethiecq, "New tools for electromechanical characterisation of piezoceramics," Journal of Electroceramics, vol. 19, pp. 419-426, 2007.
[3] Guy Feuillard, Oumar Diallo, Emmanuel Le Clézio “Eigen vibration modes of rectangular piezoelectric materials: modeling and experiment” AFPAC 2012 , 12-20 Janv 2012 Brigthon.
[4] O. Diallo, E. Leclezio and G. Feuillard “Modelling of the electrical admittance of a piezoceramic cube using Ultrasonic Resonance Spectroscopy »Acoustics 2012 Nantes